Momentum Conservation Level 4 (Head-on Collision)
You will be presented with two Vernier Dynamics carts that are about to have a head-on collision. The carts will become magnetically stuck together during the collision. Your job is to predict the velocity of the cars after the collision (negatives are possible)

The cars each have a mass of 500 g when empty

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Momentum Conservation Level 4 (Head-on Collision)
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Start by getting the momentum of each car before the collision. Remember these cars have a mass of 500 grams when empty

Then predict the velocity of the two cars after they collide and stick together (negatives possible)

When you submit your answers the cars will collide to check your prediction

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Don't Enter Units
Momentum Car 2 Initial (kg•m/s):
Momentum Car 1 Initial (kg•m/s):
Post Collision Velocity (m/s):